Through The Static: A History of Radio Club K4JMC
Compiled by Aaron Johnson • KO4TEZ

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: 1923-1954

Chapter 2: 1954-1986

Chapter 3: 1986-Present

Chapter 4: International Space Station Contact

Chapter 5: Early Repeater Information


The Gadsden Daily Times-News was published from 1906 to 1924 along with The Gadsden Evening Star (Gadsden, Ala.) 1925 to 1927 (

Excerpt from the Gadsden Daily-Times Newspaper, Gadsden, AL. Date: Sat, March 24, 1923. Provided by Jill Boatright of Hokes Bluff High School.

On the evening of Friday, March 23, 1923, the Gadsden Amateur Radio Club, which was originally known as "The Gadsden Radio Association," was formally established at the home of its first Club Secretary: John K. Moore, 5QP/U-5QP [?]. According to the November Edition of the Citizens Radio Callbook, published in 1922, John Moore's callsign 5QP was previously held by Mr. Earl Clement Hull, of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Hull was notably the co-founder of one of the oldest broadcast radio stations in the United States and the very first located in the State of Oklahoma (930 AM WKY).

The first acting club president and treasurer of the club was Marvin Scott [?]. Also among the first members of the club were Edward Lessly (Listed as Pvt. Edward H. Leslie, according to Capt. Robert Joerg Jr. Detached Officer's List - See below) [?], Joseph E McCormack (5TB) [?], Robert Joerg [?], Harry Selvidge [?], and Claude Stokey [?]. The club was formed with the purpose of furthering the interest of the amateur radio fans of Gadsden, Alabama and the efforts to address the current problems and developments in the field at that time.

David Cisco, W4AXL of The Alabama Historical Radio Society assisted and conducted additional investigation and discovered that John K. Moore (U-5QP/5QP) had also used the callsign W4AKS post-1928. According to Cisco, state residents had to change their callsigns in 1928 due to Alabama switching over to a 4-call area. [?]

Photo believed to be that of Joe McCormack, 5TB, (first row, fourth from left) with the Buster Brown haircut, taken around 1912-1914.

Suspected image of Joe McCormack (?), 5TB, while attending St. James Catholic School. This photo was taken on the front steps of the original Gadsden Public Library which was officially opened on December 21, 1906. The photo is believed to have been taken around 1912-1914.
Additional citation and verification is requested.

Joe E. McCormack, 5TP, another founding member was discovered as having previously held the callsigns 5ADS and W4RC. The callsign of 5ADS was previously held by Billie Hood who was the Founder of the Indurall Paint Company in Birmingham, Alabama.

Other callsigns of interest from around this time include, but are not limited to, the following stations:

5AIW of the Electric Construction Co (Believed to be Alabama Power)
Greene Jones, 5VC and L.R. Foster, 5HM

Notes: [?] is simply to indicate that the found burial location / person is unconfirmed. Extended citation/verification is requested.

Robert Joerg Jr.;

Club Member: Robert Joerg Jr. (b. 10 Oct 1887 d. 25 May 1948)
Major, 1st Battalion 167th Infantry 42nd Division World War One. Photo from Alabama's Own In France by William H. Amerine 1919. According to former guardsman Charles Hawkins, with the Etowah Historical Society, the 167th Inf. Division later became known as the 1/152 Armor of Gadsden, Alabama".

Additional Information under "Contributors/References". Photograph of Robert Joerg provided by Michael Belis.

Another club member at the time was Robert C. Joerg Jr.; [b. 10 Oct 1887 d. 25 May 1948], a later resident of Eufaula, Barbour County, Alabama, served as Major, in the 1st Battalion 167th Infantry 42nd Division during World War One. According to former guardsman Charles Hawkins, with the Etowah Historical Society, the 167th Inf. Division later became known as the 1/152 Armor of Gadsden, Alabama".

At the time that Robert Joerg, Jr. was Captain over the 167th Infantry, 42nd Divison Company - he had these words to say about the commendations of Pvt. Carl W. Dasch of his distinguised bravery and exceptional devotion to duty in action near Croix Rounge Farm (July 26-August 1, 1918) which earned Dasch meirt of the Distinguished Service Cross:

"Private Carl W. Dasch, during this entire period (six days and nights), while attached to the Third Battalion, carried messages between the firing line and Battalion Headquarters, through heavy enemy shell fire. Upon returning from the firing line he would pick up a severely wounded man and carry him through and out of the barrage to a first aid station. Finally, he was so badly gassed that he could not see, but had to be given a direct order to report to the first aid station. During the whole series of engagements, Private Dasch did not sleep and taxed his physical endurance to the utmost, at all times setting to his comrades an example of utter disregard of danger and exceptional devotion to duty."
"Best Field Officer Who Ever Served Under Me" - General Douglas McArthur (Inscribed in Robert Conrad Joerg II's tomestone located at Fairview Cemetery, Alabama.)
During his lifetime he was married to Helen Dudley Joerg (b. Feburary 19, 1894 - d. December 15, 1981) and Elizabeth Wood Guice Joerg (b. December 21, 1885 - d. August 16, 1980) and had two children; sons Robert Conrad Jeorg III (b. August 1,1911 - d. May 28, 1989), and son Wood Guice Joerg (b. December 14, 1914 - d. January 7, 1945). For a time the family were residents of Russell County, Alabama.

His son Robert the Third, served as a Commander in the U.S. Navy throughout multiple tours serving in World War Two, Korea, and Vietnam. His second son, Wood Guice, served in the service with the rank of Lt. Colonel commanding the 551st Parachute Infantry and was killed in action during the Battle of the Bulge. He had two daughters and was awarded the Silver Star, Croix de Guerre, with Palm, and the Purple Heart.

More information about Wood Guice Joerg (cit., Wood Guice Joerg)

Wood lived in many places and attended many schools. After World War I he went with his family on the troop train with the 29th Infantry to Fort Benning. He graduated from Georgia Military Academy, Junior School, with first honor and then went to high school in San Juan, Puerto Rico, graduating from Western High School in Washington, D. C. After preparing for West Point at Millard's he won the Presidential appointment, and also Senator Hugo Black's, and entered West Point in 1933.

Wood graduated with the class of 1937 and was assigned to the 9th Infantry, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, and spent three years there. Wood married Ethel Bruce Holmgreen of San Antonio in September 1939. In 1940 he was ordered to the 32nd Inf., Seventh Div., Fort Ord, California, later to the 807th Tank Destroyers, and in October 1942 was ordered to the Parachute School at Fort Benning. After completing the course in November, he sailed for Panama, commanding the 551 Parachute Inf., then returned to the States after ten months. He left in April 1944 for North Africa, Sicily, and Italy, and jumped into Southern France August 15. The troops of his organization were the first Americans to enter Cannes and Nice. They also had the distinction of being the first to jump from gliders and tow planes.

Promoted to Lt. Colonel he was assigned then to the 82nd Airborne Division and fought all through the Battle of the Bulge. On January 7, 1945, while taking the Belgian town, Rochlinval, Colonel Joerg was killed. He was 30.

The citation read:
"For gallantry in action against the enemy on January 7, 1945. Lieutenant Colonel Joerg was in a forward position observing the assault elements of a unit as they moved to the attack on the village. His position during this phase was continually under extremely heavy and accurate mortar and observed artillery fire. When the fire fight was joined, Lieutenant Colonel Joerg saw that his left flank company had been purposely permitted to advance into open ground which was covered by a tremendous volume of machine gun fire. Without regard for his own safety, and in order to extricate the company from its position. Lieutenant Colonel Joerg advanced through intense enemy fire toward the unit's extreme front line. Lieutenant Colonel Joerg's heroic action and unselfish devotion to his command were an inspiration to the entire unit and aided materially in preventing elements of the company from moving into an enemy trap. During this action Lieutenant Colonel Joerg was fatally wounded".

Wood Guice Joerg, USMA 1937. One of the United States Army's Airborne pioneers.

Wood Guice Joerg, USMA 1937. One of the United States Army's Airborne pioneers.

Courtesy of the Underwood-Hart-Siweck-Ozee Group on 25 Jun 2016

In April, 1948, his body was brought home from Rochelinval, Arrondissement de Verviers, Liege, Belgium and reburied in his home town of Eufaula.

John K. Moore's Publication of "Radio Operator Ready to Help All Amateur" in The Gadsden Daily Times-News (cir. Wednesday, November 21, 1923)
John Moore, owner and operator of Amateur Radio Station, 5QP., of Gadsden, Ala., who is a licensed radio operator, has the following to say on the subject of amateur radio operators and promises to cooperate with all broadcast listeners in the Gadsden district to eliminate this trouble:

"The radio amateurs of Gadsden desire to co-operate with the broadcast listeners in eliminating any interference that may occur when their transmitters are used. This is a policy that is being followed throughout the nation by those amateurs who have the welfare of the "game" at heart and wish to see radio develop as it should.

The federal government through the Department of Commerce, gives licensed amateur radio stations that right to transmit, under certain restriction.

Briefly, these are: To transmit on a pure sharp wave between the wave lengths of 150 and 200 meters, depending upon the type of transmitter used; not to send between the hours of 8 and 10:30 p.m., local standard time, nor when a local broadcasting station is sending out Sunday morning church services; not to interfere with any radio communication and to operate an orderly station at all times.

"These are the chief points with reference to interference with broadcast listeners. Licensed amateur radio stations observing these and the other rules and regulations of the Department of Commerce, should not cause any interference with the broadcast reception in Gadsden. Those that will not observe the rules and regulations should not be allowed to use a transmitter"

Images: "Leslie, Edward" Conscription Record, (William Kuner) / Gadsden City School, (Mollie Smith; Etowah County Historical Society)

Transcription of John Moore's Letter to Editor "Wed, July 16th, 1924" from The Gadsden Daily Times:
"Please permit me to say a few words on the subject of "Radio", through your valuable paper.

The "tests to run down local interference," as referred to in the Times-News "Radio Fan," July 3, should be carried out to a finish by those in charge and a complete report of its findings should be printed in the "Radio Fan" for the benefit of all those concerned.

The problem of interference is, and has always been one of the greatest in radio. Every one should lend their best efforts to help solve it, as we would all benefit. At this time of the year our greatest interference is from what is known as "static," or in the language of old time radio men, just QRN.

Since the beginning of radio it has been with us, and still is. Its currents are like those of man-made radio, yet it comes from nature. Summer thunderstorms, with their ever present lightning, gives us a great deal of interference from the currents they set up in the air - that we do not experience during the cold winter months.

We do not have, as yet, any method by which we can eliminate static, but its effects can be reduced by the use of many devices brought out for that purpose.

One of these, the loop antenna, is among the best. It may be that a solution to interference of static, with radiofone broadcasting station. The ratio of static to signal strength would then be so small that its effects would not be noticed as much as it is now.

I strongly advise every radio user not to use what is known as a "single circuit" radio tuner. This type of tuner, contrary to public opinion, is not selective and a great deal of unnecessary interference is bound to result from their use, as the number and power of radio transmitting stations increase.

More and more powerful stations will be on the air this winter and every radio man should see that his tuner is equal to the task of separating these stations so that interference will be reduced to a minimum.

It is surprising how interference vanishes when a good selective tuner is used. A new circuit with a fancy name is not what is needed, but one of the old stand-by selective circuits and a little more skill on the part of the operator.

Radio editors, technical amateurs and radio dealers should be able to give the radio public this much needed information. My plea to every radio user is:

"Look your tuner over before you start to kick about interference from some unwanted station. It will help greatly."

Radio is a great and wonderful thing, but it is not yet perfect so don't expect too much from it. Read the radio papers and magazines to keep abreast of the times in radio, and let's all look forward to this coming winter, the greatest in radio yet."

— Mr. John K. Moore, U-5QP; Gadsden Amateur Radio Association, 1924

Transcription of "The Radio Fan" Periodical by Joe McCormack, R. E. (5TB). Published Mon, July 28, 1924.
The radio fan has been appearing in the Times-News for the last six months. Now as both papers are combined in one the radio fan will be read by many more radio bugs. Better articles will appear on how to build sets, and much more useful information will be published.

Audio frequency amplification has become one of the indispensable factors of modern radio reception. Without it, the satisfaction and convenience of the loud speaker, which has become so popular, would be practically unknown. In fact, no up-to-date receiving set is considered complete without two or three stages of audio amplification and some type of horn.

Although the primary purpose audio amplification is to increase sound volume maintenance of origial purity and quality of tone is equally, if not more important. In fact the excellence of any audio frequency amplifying units must be gauged solely by the amount of usable or distorted amplification that is capable of delivering, rather than by mere sound volume. A 6-1 on the first stage nad a 3'1-2-1 on the second stage. In this way there will be no distortion as in many audio amplifiers

The rheostat on the set is a great help in tuning in. After a signal has been accurately tuned, slight remaining tonal distortion or efficiency in volume are readily corrected through proper rheostat adjustment. The higher wavelengths require a correspond-lengths high rheostat setting, while for the lower wave lengths the rheostat setting can be advantageously reduced. Too high setting for any given wave length will manifest itself as a whistle, accompanied by signal distortion, while two low settings will reduce the signal strength. A minimum of experience will soon disclose exactly what measures are necessary to secure maximum results under any given set of conditions.

In erecting an aerial, maximum reception will be obtained if the aerial is as high as possible and at maximum distance from neighboring objects, such as trees, metallic buildings, chimneys, and conducting wires. Also, it should be thoroughly insulated at all points of supports.

The total length of the aerial system, consisting of the aerial, lead in wire, can vary from 75 to 200 feet has been found the most desirable when conditions do not permit the erection of a single wire of this length, the aerial portion may be divided into equal, parallel sections, spaced two or three feet apart, and connected at one end, with the lead in wire at this end.

Should a high and long aerial be employed within ten or fifteen miles of a powerful broadcasting station, some difficulty may be experienced in tuning through these stations for long distance reception.

This can be largely overcome by substituting a single wire aerial having a total length including lead-in wire, or not more than 75 feet. When local stations are silent, the long aerial may be used.

When soldering connections on a radio set never use acid core solder as this will run down between the instruments and cause a short. Always wash the connections after they have been soldered with alcohol. This will make a neat job. A connection is never soldered until the solder runs smoothly over the connection.

There are several makes of electric soldering irons on the market for radio use. By using one of these much time and trouble can be saved. Rosin core, or soldering paste are excellent for neat work. Always wipe the joints clean after it is soldered.

Max Stewart was in town yesterday from Boaz, and says that they are getting good results this summer from up on the mountain and there are over 50 sets there now and more coming in every day.

Mr. May has his neutrodyn going now and says it is working best yet. He burned out his transformer about a week ago and is just now getting his new one in. He tried to rewind the secondary of the transformer, which has over 9,000 turns of small wire.

Better luck next time, Sam.

Ross is the only red headed radio boy in this town. He says that is the cause of his bad luck on getting his set fixed. Ross believes that his red hair keeps the radio waves away. If he keeps the good work up he is will on his way to being a radio engineer. We wish him the best of luck.

For selectivity and long distance use the single circuit type of reciever. It is best known among the radio public. There are over two million in use today, and all are getting good results. It is very simple and easy to build and operate.

Beginning with next week's Gadsden Times there will appear a series of how to build your own receiver articles. With these instructions even the beginner can build and successfully operate his own receiving set. Don't miss next week's Times.
The Gadsden Amateur Radio Club officially joined as an affiliate of the ARRL or American Radio Relay League on Jan 18th 1954 and was assigned club designation 0716. K4JMC, still remains as one of the oldest long-running ARRL-affiliated club in the State of Alabama.

"I graduated high school in 1961 and I was still in high school when I started attending club meetings. The club was meeting then at a log cabin that was down there, by the river, behind Holy Name Hospital. The city owned that property. And they had about, I'd say, 20-30 folks were there every time they had a meeting -- they were pretty active at that time.

They also had an ambulance, that someone had retired, and they had bought it and built a big mobile station in it. Run around if there was an emergency or something and they'd stick it up."

— Transcription of Dave Waits, K4VMV's recollection on April 9th, 2022

Dave was originally first licensed in 1956 and his call was originally KN4VMV at the Novice level. He became K4VMV two years later passing Technician.

Source: David Waits; autobiography,

[I will add more details as they become available to me - KO4TEZ].

It was decided in February of 1986 that the current in-use repeater, K4RBC would find its home on Hensley Mountain, located between Whorton's Bend and Rainbow Drive, with accommodations of a hundred foot tower, a block building to house the repeater, and electricity on site, upon the approval of Mr. Booley Hitt, the county board chairman, and Mr. Ray Bullock, the superintendant of the county board, to place the repeater at the site.

Joe Patty, the trustee of the club call K4JMC, gave his consent to use the call for repeater identification. Mr. Jim Wallace, of the Hunstsville Radio Club, W4NCY, donated a new RCA UHF Transceiver and three used ones that could be used to control the repeater.

At that time there were several types of repeaters that were brought up in committee to serve for K4JMC, which were the CR. Mark 3 (25-35 Watt Units) by Microcontrol Specailists, along with the 2410A (10 Watts) through Yaesu, and the SCR77 (30-35 Watts) through Spectrum. The coordination committee recommended the Spectrum SCR77 with Wacom 93 serving as isolation duplexers. At the time it made use of a G7144 Isopole Hustler with a gain of 7dB. Mr. Dale Bigalow and Mr. James Glassco served as overseers for repeater maintenance.

The leadership of the club was made up of Steve Smith, WB4NBP, who served as President of the G.A.R.C., along with Vice President James Glassco, ND4FEQ; Club Treasurer Allegra Glassco, KB4NZU, and Secretary Suzanne Brown, KB4MYB for the 1986-1987 year. Others included Jim Smith, who served as the packet radio coordinator for the club and was responsible for digipeater KB4EZF-1 during this time. Walt Damkohler, W4EBO, served as the Alabama Repeater Council and Regional Coordinator. And lastly, James Glassco, who served as Chairman of the Repeater Select Committee.

Steve A. Smith (August 20, 1949 - March 28, 2012)

On April 12, 1988 - The following persons were appointed to the Repeater Trustee Committee: Earl McClain, as Acting Chairman, along with Dale Bigelow, Danny Doster, Dan Kornegay, and Steve Smith.

From 1988-1989, Norris Landry was appointed Club President. Vice-President was John Burttram. Dink Harris was Treasurer. Secretaries Suzanne and Harold Brown, along with Net Manager Van Tubb. Diane Brown, served as Chairman of the Nominating Committee. It was also at this time that the Lifetime and Perpetual Membership - Resolutions, Rules, and Regulations policy was updated. It was also around this time that the club newsletter was first publicated around early-1988.

Around this time there was a notion brought by Jim Newton, N4VBJ, to the clubs attention about offering a 13 wpm code class to be taught by the club. The notion was offered to be annouced on the local net by Harold Brown, KK4DD, to gauge interest.

In August 1990, Wally Coker was appointed the Gadsden Area Public Information Officer by David Black, State Public Information Coordinator. Kenneth McGlaughn was appointed State Emergency Net Coordinator by Mildred Cullen, Section Manager.

September 9th 1991 - Art Savage recieves Certificate of Appreciation as Field Day Chairman on June 22-23 1991.

Dale Bigelow, served as Chairman of the nominating committee of November 1989. The nominees for the 1990 Club Officers were as followed:

Dale M. Bigelow (December 2, 1946 - November 24, 2016)

1989-1990 Club Officers
President - Jim Moore, WD5CBQ
Secretary - Dave Waits, K4VMV
Treasurer - Harold Brown, KK4DD
Vice Preisdent - Wally Coker, KC4ANB
Net Manager - Dink Harris, WB4MMD
1991-1992 Club Officers
Harold Brown, KK4DD, President.
Benny McNair, KC4WWP, Vice-President
Stewart Garrett, KA4PSE, Secretary
Suzanne Brown-Decker, N4XCX, Treasurer
Gene McGlaughn, KC4TFF, Net Manager
Guest appearances were made in February 1991 by Mildred Keller, ARRL Alabama Section Manager; David Black, Public Information Officer, and Lewis Keller, Technical Specialist. Over 40 members and guests attended the meeting. At the conlusion of the meeting Charles Hibbs and others met the new Novice class which was made up of Charlie Hibbs, N4ZWK, who recieved a Certificate of Appreciation. Warren S. Gritzmacher, KC4QFO, was Secretary.

Janet Smith, N4YCH, appointed as the Affiliated Club Coordinator for the Alabama Section in Feb 1992.

July 13, 1992 - The Gadsden Amateur Radio Club was presented a certificate for 25 years of ARRL affilation.

1992 Elections resulted in the following report. Nominating Committee Report. Harold Brown, KK4DD and Benny McNair, KC4WWP both ran for President. The results were Brown with 13 and McNair with 11. Vice President Elect was Harley Cutchens, KD4ONQ; Secretary Suzanne Decker, N4XCX; and Net Manager Chris Sells, AC4LM.

It was at this time that a novice class was taught by Wally Coker, KC4ANB at the Etowah County EMA Office. Benny McNair, Tom Hix, Jim Smith, and Elmer Pearsall assisted with the code instruction.

During Fall of 1992; Wally Coker, KC4ANB, operated packet nodes on Ports GAD61 (K4JMC-2) operating on 145.610 and GAD01 (K4JMC-1) operating on 145.010, both of which ran on TheNetPlus 2.10. Bill Gould, WD4AGG, also served as sysop. The club made use of two Hustler G7's and a Kenwood 7400 (which was in temporary disrepair) for use with the packet nodes. A temporary Alinco DR-112 was used in its place.

Around this time a linking System was operated by James Glassco, WD4FEQ, at his home QTH on 2m and 70cm. This system took advantage of a Diamond X500NA and Duplexer.

January 11, 1993 - Jim Smith, KB4EZF, annouced that Frank Brown, NN4J, would be starting CW classes on the 147.22 repeater and that the start date would be annouced on the net. Jim also announced his plans for a full service BBS on packet. The BBS would have been placed on the GARC local frequency. A motion was made and seconded that the club support Jim's efforts. The motion passed.

Februrary 8, 1993 - Chris Sells, AC4LM, temporarily resigns as Net Manager. Truman Guthrie brings up the idea of having a club chaplin and nominates Al Hodge for the job. Al was appointed by Harold and Al accepted the position.

March 8, 1993 - Wally Coker announces EMA repeater is on the air at Freq. 146.820 and will recieve RACES traffic as Priority. With a PL code of 123 Hz.

May 9, 1993 - Charles Hibbs, N4ZWK serves as Field Day Coordinator

The 1993 elections resulted in the appointment of Benny McNair, KC4WWP, is President. Vice-President, Harley Cutchens, KD4ONQ; Treasurer, Suzanne Decker, N4XCX. Secretary, Stewart Garrett, KA4PSE, and Net Manager Chris Sells, AC4LM. Floor Nominations were made for President Harold Brown, KK4DD, nomininated by Bobby Smith, KC4UIB. The nominating committee report was submitted by Al Hodge, KM4OU, Art Savage, N4NAK, and C.B. Johnson, KB4KOU.

June 14, 1993 - Jim Smith, KB4EZF, and Bill Curry, N4TIQ, both go Silent Key.

July 12, 1993 - Club considers new clubhouse location in the reminants of the Fire House at Canterbury Station.

September 13, 1993 - Dink Harris, goes Silent Key

October 11, 1993 - Nominating Committee considers the following members for appointment.

President - Harley Cutchens
Vice President Dale Bigelow
Secretary Charles Hibbs
Treasurer - Chuck Dexter*
Net Manager - T.M. Brownlee
1994 Confirmations. Appointed Trustees are Wally Coker, KC4ANB, Al Hodges, KM4OU, Jim Thomas, Art Savage, N4NAK and Harold Brown, KK4DD. Harley Cutchens, KR4AX, becomes President.

August 1994/1995 - Walter Louis Damhoehler, Deceased. New Member, Marty AB4BL along with Wil Montgomery, N6MEL and Chris Standford, KE4MUR join the club; James Thomas resigns as Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Dave Waits appointed to fill the remainder of his term.

October 1995; Nominating Committee present slate of nominees for 1996 year:

Club President - Dave Waits, K4VMV (Elected)
Vice President - Warren Gritzmacher, KC4QFO
Secretary - Jeff Guthrie, KF4BKK
Treasurer - Nathan Hodge, KD4PML
Net Manager - Gene McGlaughn, KC4TFF
Project Chairman - Al Hodge, KM4OU
Submitted by: Lester McGlaughn, WB4IDB G.W. Graham, KE4SWI Nathan Hodge, KD4PML
Confirmations are:
Waits (President)
Truman (Secretary)
Brown (Treasurer)
Jim Reynolds, KF4DPS, joins the club.
Constitution and By-Laws were revised on March 15, 1988 and were amended twice; once in January of 1992 and again on May 11, 1998. Increase on dues, from $10/yr to $20/yr, were called upon by C.B. Johnson, KB4KOU due to increasing maintenance costs. "Families with persons less than 18 years old can join that person for an additional $5.00 per person." Effective Jan 1, 1992. The dues committee was made up of C.B. Johnson Jr, KB4KOU (Chairman); Warren S. Gritzmacher, KC4QFO; Dave Waits, K4VMV, Elmer Pearsall, WA4QOW, Al Hodge, KM4OU, and Benny McNair, KC4WWP.

2017 — Reaching For The Stars
The K4JMC Club and Company made contact with the International Space Station, according to AMSAT, on Wednesday, January 4th, 2017 at 11:29 a.m. CST after an agreement on May 30, 2016 was reached with the US ARISS program, which accepted the education proposal from Rainbow Middle School and the Gadsden Amateur Radio Club to participate in a jointly coordinated scheduled Amateur Radio contact with the ISS in 2017. The club's proposal was one of 12 which were accepted by US organizations to move on to the next stage of the planning process.

Courtesy of Debra Johnson, K1DMJ of the ARRL's Education Services Division.

ISS Astronaut Commander Shane Kimbrough, KE5HOD during Expedition 50.
Also available via YouTube if sound clip doesn't play on your device.

The station for the event was made up of a crossed 22 element CP M-Squared 2MCP22 yagi antenna with a Yaesu G5400B rotor and its coordinators were comprised of Adam W4AMA, Bill K4FSO, Ray W4YTC, and Jake MK4GXJ alongside Robert Evans, W4RLE.
Much of the equipment which was used in the ISS contact was possible through Tim Cunningham, N8DEU from Decatur/Huntsville.

Pictured: On September 12, 2016 a presentation was made by Ray Forrester, W4YTC, showing a video of ARISS contact made that year in Decatur, AL.

To be continued...

Other Notable Events:
August 8, 2016: Alabama Section Representive Mr. Ed Tyler, N4EDT visited the club during its residency at the American Red Cross Building in Gadsden.
November 6, 2016: Presentation and Visit from Dr. Ronald Hanson, Lt Col. of the Alabama Wing of the Civil Air Patrol and Director of the Cadet Program.
March 8, 2017: PowerPoint Presentation by Henry Wingate, K4HAL on RTTY and other digital amateur radio modes.
April 10, 2017: Presentation by Club President, Robert Evans (W4RLE) on the usage of ham radio software.
May 8, 2017: Presentation by Delton Hartzog, WA4JLQ on the Dayton Hamvention.
November 13, 2017: Presentation about Decommissioned Equipment by Ed Tyler, N4EDT, Public Information Coordinator for the ARRL Alabama Section.
The club moves to a new location on December 11, 2017 at the First United Method Church in Attalla after the closing of the Red Cross Building in Downtown Gadsden in June 2017.
September 10th, 2018: Presentation "Amateur Code" by Club Member Charles Atchley, K4CEA.
Setember 24, 2018: Guest Speaker from Alabama ARES District G: Robert Parsons, KK4UDU.
November 20, 2018: K4JMC Repeater located at 147.160 is put on the air.
December 13, 2018: Club Members Bill Rodgers, K4FSO and Robert Maltbie, KN4DSA become coordinators for the Etowah County ARES
(Alabama Amateur Radio Emergency Service)

January 1, 2019: Presentation by Bill Rodgers, K4FSO on VHF/UHF Winlink Global Radio Email System.
Feb 11, 2019: Presentation by Vice President Mick Lindley, KB4UPI on Hallicrafter & WW2-era Radios.
The Alabama Emergency Net Y was moved onto the K4RBC Repeater on July 2, 2019.

Additional Information
2015-2016 Club Officers:
President - Adam Alterman, W4AMA
Vice-President - Delton Hartzog, WA4JLQ
Secretary - Bill Rogers, K4FSO
Treasurer - Ray Forrester, W4YTC
Net Manager - Anthony "AJ" Castelli, KJ4JOA
2017-2018 Club Officers:
President - Robert Evans, W4RLE
Vice President - Delton Hartzog, WA4JLQ
Secretary - Bill Rodgers, K4FSO
Treasurer - Ray Forrester, W4YTC
Net Manager - Robert Evans, W4RLE
2018-2019 Club Officers:
President Robert Evans, W4RLE
Vice-President Delton Hartzog, WA4JLQ
Secretary Bill Rodgers, K4FSO
Treasurer Ray Forrester, W4YTC
Net Manager Dave Waits, K4VMV
2019-2020 Club Officers:
President Robert Evans, W4RLE
Vice President Mick Lindley, KB4UPI
Secretary Bill Rodgers, K4FSO
Treasurer Ray Forrester, W4YTC
Net Manager Dave Waits, K4VMV

Early Repeater Information

Main Equipment
In 1991, the club made use of a Kenwood TS530S Transceiver, KPS-12 Power Supply. SCR 77 Repeater, ACC RC-850 Repeater Controller, Waycomm Duplexers, RCA-700 430 MHz Transceiver (x2)

Icom 22S 2 Meter Transciever, Kenwood MC-50 Mike, Drake DL1000 Dummy Load, Denton W-2 Watt Meter, Kenwood TR7400A (x2), Astron RM50M PSU, Paccomm DR-2000 2 Port Digipeater.

Antennas Used
Rohn HBX-56 Foot Tower. Cushcraft A144-11 Yagi 144 (x2), A144-WPK Stacking Kit, A144-SK stack Harness. Mosley 33. AEA ISO-144 ISOPOLE 144/440.

Hustler G7-144 Vert. 4 Element Yagi Beam 50MHz. Hustler 5-Band Vert. Amp Loop Skywalker. 80m Dipole / 50ft RG-8X. 80m Loop & 100ft Ladder Line. MFJ Tuner MFJ-941D & 440 Mobile Ant.

Repeater offered Autopatch which offered 24 hours access and varieties of services such as: Time of Day and Temperature. Bulletin Board Service; Repeater System Temp, Volts D.C., Date, Time. Next VEC Test Session D/T. Next Radio Club Meeting D/T. Net Mode, Epower, and Weather Alerts.

Contributors and References
Mollie Smith, of the Etowah Historical Society, in Gadsden, Alabama
David Cisco, W4AXL of Alabama Historical Radio Society, of which located in Birmingham, Alabama
Delton Hartzog, WA4JLQ of the Gadsden Amateur Radio Club
Harry D. Butler, Author of ALABAMA'S FIRST RADIO STATIONS 1920 - 1960; A History of Radio Broadcasting in Alabama.
Harvey Moore, Member K4JMC (Callsign KN4QBN)
Gerald Russell, Member K4JMC (Callsign W6GLR)
Jill Braddy Boatright, Author of "The History of Hokes Bluff, 2013."
Early Testimonial by David Waits, K4VMV [Audio]
Rufus Floyd Public Library, Hokes Bluff, AL
Gadsden Public Library, Gadsden, AL

Additional Citations:
"Chapter 1: Lena Martin 1906-1955.; Joe McCormack" Gadsden Public: 100 Years of Service, Arcadia Pub., Charleston, SC, 2008, pp. 29-30.
HA Call Books 1906 -1997; Leland L. Hite (Lee) K8CLI
Soldiers all; portraits and sketches of the men of the A. E. F. 1920. Photograph. New York, George H. Doran company. Web. 2022 May 16
"Screws, William." "Special Orders from the Headquarters of the 167th Infantry Issued by Colonel William Screws." Alabama Textual Materials Collection, Alabama Department of Archives and History, 1917,
Detached Officer's List provided by William Kuner, WELCOME TO GADSDEN and ETOWAH COUNTY Facebook Group from the Alabama Department of Archives.
Squadron Images of 127th Infantry Division provided by William Kuner; Alabama Department of Archives.
Various clippings regarding Robert Joerg Jr, (Wife) Elizabeth Joerg, and (Son) Wood Guice Joerg found from
"The Radio Fan", Periodical, by Joe McCormack, R.E.; The Gadsden Daily Times-News on Mon, Oct. 27, 1924.
"The Radio Fan", Periodical, by Joe McCormack, R.E.; The Gadsden Times-News on Thu, May. 22, 1924.
"Radio Fans of Gadsden Form An Association. John Moore is President." Announced in The Gadsden Daily Times-News on Sat, Mar. 24, 1923.
"The Radio Fan", Periodical, by Joe McCormack, R.E.; The Gadsden Daily Times-News on Fri, Jun. 11, 1924.
"Letter to Editor", Commentary, by John K. Moore; The Gadsden Times-News on Wed, Jul 16, 1924.
"How to Build Attic Aerials for Your Radio", Republication; The Gadsden Daily Times-News on Thu, Jul. 26, 1923.
"The Radio Fan", Periodical, by Joe McCormack, R.E.; The Gadsden Daily Times-News on Mon, Jul 28, 1924.
"Radio Operator Ready To Help All Amateurs", Publication, by John K. Moore; The Gadsden Daily Times-News on Wed, Nov 21. 1923.
1986-Present information was gathered from various digitalized club documents (Meeting Notes, Attendance Sheets, and Bulletins).

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Club Officers:
Delton Hartzog, WA4JLQ President
Harvey Moore, KN4QBN Vice President
Dave Waits, K4VMV Secrectary
Monte J. Hill, W4MJH Treasuer
Gerald Russell, W6GLR Net Manager
Todd Hardin, W4TMH Hamfest Chairman

Gadsden Repeater:

146.670 MHz
Negative Offset
PL Tone of 100 Hz

Net Control - Every Tuesday Night at 8:30 PM Central on 146.670 MHz Repeater with a Negative Offset and a 100 Hz PL Tone

Round Table - Every Night at 9:00 PM Central - Join us for a general discussion of Amateur Radio, Events of the Day, Medical Issues and pretty much anything you'd like to discuss.